

2024年9月13日至16日,欧洲广电行业规模最大、影响力最深的行业盛会——IBC2024荷兰广播电视展(International Broadcasting Convention)即将拉开帷幕,ST VIDEO将在展会上展示多款产品以及行业相关解决方案。
From September 13 to 16, 2024, the International Broadcasting Convention (IBC2024), the largest and most influential industry event in the European broadcasting industry, is about to kick off. ST VIDEO will show various products and industry-related solutions at the exhibition.
  此次展会汇聚了全球媒体、娱乐和技术行业的精英,为参会者提供了一次亲身体验、交流见解和拓展商业机会的绝佳平台。下面是ST VIDEO在本届展会上的亮点产品:
The exhibition brings together global media, entertainment, and technology elites, providing participants with an excellent platform for personal experience, exchange of insights, and expansion of business opportunities. The following are the highlights of ST VIDEO at this exhibition:
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ST-2100 Gyroscope Robotic Camera Dolly
ST-2100 Gyroscope Robotic Camera Dolly is the latest intelligent camera track robot system designed and developed by our company. Compared with traditional camera track robots, this system has more powerful functions: equipped with a gyroscopic three-axis gimbal, smooth and stable movement, remote control, preset positions, and expansion interfaces (providing tracking displacement data) that can be used with virtual implants. Through precisely positioned motion shooting, it can achieve integration with VR/AR packaging effects.
Its rich and powerful functions can achieve novel and unique composition perspectives and rich lens images. It can be used in TV news, variety shows, interviews, e-sports, VR/AR and other scenes.

Wireless Transmission Series
The STW series wireless system is a high-performance image transmission product that combines ultra-long transmission distance, super strong anti-interference and penetration. Its excellent penetration ability and non-line-of-sight transmission ability can ensure stable video signal transmission even in the face of many obstructions.
Each line-of-sight transmission distance can reach 1 km, and the maximum transmission distance in air-to-ground conditions can reach 10 kilometers. It can adapt to various large-scale event live broadcasts, movie shooting, large exhibition hall event live broadcasts, high-altitude live broadcasts, concert live broadcasts, shopping mall live broadcasts and other scenes.
Andy Support System Series
Andy Jib Series and Andy Tripod Series products are well-known by overseas markets. Among them, Andy Jib Series products have been used in TV program production and important shooting in many countries and regions around the world.  
Intelligent shooting solution  
The intelligent shooting solution composed of the intelligent rocker robot ST-RJ400 and the intelligent pan/tilt ST-RH300 is designed for the needs of studio automation and intelligent program production. It can be used for various TV programs such as studio news, sports, interviews, variety shows, entertainment, etc. It can complete the automated shooting of various AR, VR, and real-life programs without human intervention.  
  ST VIDEO产品已覆盖广播电视行业的多个使用场景,包括:电视节目制作、体育广播、体育场馆、电竞场馆、舞美灯光等。在全球众多媒体和娱乐活动中,在许多重大赛事中都能看到ST VIDEO的身影。
ST VIDEO products have covered multiple usage scenarios in the radio and television industry, including TV program production, sports broadcasting, stadiums, e-sports venues, stage lighting, etc. ST VIDEO can be seen in many major events in many media and entertainment activities around the world.  
About ST VIDEO  
  ST Video(我司海外品牌),致力于演播室系统设备、LED大屏、摄像承托系统以及影视器材产品研发生产和演播室及转播车系统集成。公司创立20年来产品已遍布全球160多个国家和地区。
ST Video (our overseas brand) is committed to the research and development and production of studio system equipment, LED large screens, camera support systems, and film and television equipment products, as well as the integration of studio and broadcast vehicle systems(OB Van). In the 20 years since the company was founded, its products have been sold to more than 160 countries and regions around the world.  
  欢迎大家来到IBC 2024 12号馆H78展位了解更多,ST VIDEO团队将在现场提供专业的产品咨询和解决方案建议。
Welcome to the H78 booth in Hall 12 of IBC 2024. The ST VIDEO team will provide professional product consultation and solution suggestions.  
Date: Sep. 13-16th  
ADD: RAI International Exhibition and Conference Center, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Booth: Hall 12, H78

Post time: Sep-09-2024